Dr Salman Shah, former minister of finance and advisor on finance to the Prime Minister, spoke to a packed audience on Friday, 22 September, 2017 at the Suleman Dawood School of Business at LUMS. He spoke about the role of...
A delegation from the University of Bremen, Germany, visited Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB), LUMS on December 9, 2016 on an invitation from the Transportation & Logistics Strategic Sector at SDSB. Bremen, a research...
Professor Malcolm Harper talks about Islamic Microfinance at SDSB. Dr Harper was educated at Oxford University, the Harvard Business School and the University of Nairobi. He worked for nine years in a...
SDSB Journal Paper Writing Workshop was organised with the aim of allowing participants to develop capability, skill and confidence in developing journal article publication ideas. The workshop helped individuals to develop and...
The SDSB Qualitative Research Workshop was held on November 23-24, 2016 with an aim to allow students and participants to develop skill, capacity and capability in applying qualitative research...