Event Detail






    Earnings Quality in Pakistan: Evidence from the Field

     April 6, 2018
    A-16, Academic block, LUMS
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    Speaker’s Profile:
    Dr Haroon obtained his PhD in Accounting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong in 2015, where his research inquired into financial reporting choices and their impact on capital markets’ perception of the firm with particular focus on earnings management. Dr Haroon completed his Chartered Accountancy in 2005 from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and Chartered Certified Accountancy from Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK in 2002. Prior to joining LUMS, he was an Assistant Professor with the Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong. He was associated with LUMS as Research Associate and Teaching Fellow between 2003 and 2008 prior to his departure for his PhD.

    Dr Haroon has conducted several trainings for different courses and programs at LUMS. His research interests include: Capital Market Research in Accounting, Financial Reporting & Corporate Governance.

    Capital market, contracting and regulatory incentives induce earnings management and manipulation of reported financial statements by managers. Given the cultural, economic and other environmental differences between Pakistan and countries where most of the above incentives are recognized and tested, this project is intended to study the relative importance of such incentives in this country, prevalence of earnings management practices and cautions one must observe while applying existing empirical frameworks in an emerging economy. The purpose of this exploratory study is to determine the definition and drivers of earnings quality in Pakistan. The insights about earnings quality and financial reporting practices are provided through a survey of 40 CFOs of the companies listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange and in-depth interviews with 12 CFOs. The study documents key differences in the perceptions, definition, characteristics and determinants of earnings quality in Pakistan compared to similar studies done in developed economies.



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