Speaker’s Profile
Sheikh Bilal Khan, Co-author of ‘International Takaful Report: Shari’ah and Legal Analysis’, holds an LL.B (Hons), MA and MBA from various British universities as well as BA and MA from Darul Uloom Karachi. In the global Islamic Finance industry, he is uniquely positioned as both an English qualified lawyer from the ‘Magic Circle’ law firm Linklaters and an award-winning Shari'ah Scholar.
Sheikh Bilal is an honorary Freeman of the City of London and currently a Catalyst at the UK Government Department for International Trade (DIT) and Senior Adviser to several British All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs), working in close collaboration with the British Foreign Office, UK Parliamentarians and the City of London Corporation to strengthen strategic relationships between the UK and countries across Middle East, Asia and Africa.
In his capacity as a Shari’ah Scholar, he also serves as an adviser to the Shari’ah Standards Review Committee of the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) and Takaful Panel Member of the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF).
Detailed profile: http://domeadvisory.com/index.php/k2-pages/bilal-khan and www.linkedin.com/in/bilalkhan786